Important News & Upcoming Events
Staying Connected With WFES
To reach WFES please call: 410-313-5512, FAX : 410-313-5514, School Nurse in the Health Room: 410-313-5515
Student Registration 2024-2025
Do you have a child who will be 5-years old as of 9/1/2023? Did you just move to our community? Register NOW!
Nurse's Corner
What to do if my child needs to take medication during the school day? When should a child stay home?
Tiger Tales Newsletters and School Updates
Check here for recent newsletters and school updates...
School Hours
School Hours are 9:25am to 3:55pm
Student Absences
Student absences should be reported to our email address. Click here for more information.
Parent Volunteer Information
Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities. Volunteer trainings must be completed each school year. Please complete required trainings now so you will be prepared!
25-26 Kindergarten Registration Resources
Welcome to our newest Tigers!
Essential Applications & Resources
Essential Applications
Access your student’s information and classroom instructional tools
Browse breakfast and lunch menus with nutritional and allergen information
Gain access to Canvas, G Suite and more instructional apps
Read guidance on expected student behavior
Pay for activities and events using a credit card
Download mobile applications for commonly used tools
Get bus pickup times and essential information
HCPSS Resources
View meal prices and make online payments
Reporting incidences of bullying
Access health, medication, athletic and additional forms
Get an overview of the HCPSS curriculum
Enroll your child in the school system
Read HCPSS policies set by the BOE
Get Involved
Complete a brief training before volunteering with us
Discuss district-wide curriculum initiatives
Take part in a county-level student organization