County-wide International Night (Zoom)

Howard County Public Schools (HCPSS) have collaborated to create a virtual International Night experience. Due to the pandemic, we've all had to reimagine the format. Bushy Park ES PTA has extended an invitation to collaborate with PTA’s and to join them for their county-wide virtual International Night over Zoom! Grab your passport and let's explore the world together on April 23rd at 7pm. Join us for a celebration of cultures, Kahoot, a scavenger hunt, and lucky drawings with prizes!

There are so many ways to participate and highlight your culture or country of origin!

  • You can make a slideshow about your country/culture or record a dance or special talent unique to your culture.
  • You can send in a picture or short video clip showing off your cultural outfit to be included in a montage Fashion Show.
  • You can share recipes or crafts to represent your country/culture.
  • You can even recommend children's books that highlight your culture/country.

If you would like to participate, please complete our participation form.


Friday, April 23, 2021 - 7:00pm