HCPSS Policy 9010-IP: Attendance
Student Absences
- Please email all student attendance notes to WFESAbsence@hcpss.org to ensure that your student's lawful absence is marked as excused and they will have the opportunity to make up work.
- In your email, please include your child's name and grade.
- You have up to 5 days after your child's return to school to submit an absence note.
- When emailing a note, you will receive an automated message to verify that your email was received.
- Please do not email attendance notes to your child's teachers. If you have any questions about your child's attendance, please email WFESAbsence@hcpss.org.
- Any changes must be reported by a note sent into school with your child or a phone call by 3:00 pm.
Discetionary Absences
- A Local Discretionary Request Form for absences to be lawful/excused should be submitted at least one week in advance to the principal/designee.
- Such absences may not occur during exam or state-mandated testing periods unless authorized by the principal/designee.
- For absences of up to three (3) days per year, the principal will determine whether the absences will be lawful/excused or unlawful/unexcused.
- Requests for absences for religious obligations which are not addressed under Section III.G. of these procedures should be processed in accordance with Policy 3000 Religious Observances.